.............Aúlla a la Luna, no te arrepentirás..............

The bard's song will remain

Myself, three personalities on my own

Two Clouds Considered to be so cool and calm. His role is the trickster, imparting lessons through his pranks, pranks that can be far from pleasant. Just as important is his ability to act as a voice of dissent or devil's advocate with far less fear of punishment. In a society as traditional and conservative, a free-thinking individual with the right to speak his or her mind is absolutely important, whether to encourage change or to reaffirm the current position through the challenges he provides. His duty is to provide a contrasting view, and also to help their friends find their quarry, or to elude their pursuers. He may also use humor to lighten the mood or break up arguments, often acting as an "omega" to turn hostilities toward themself.
Adopt a Dragon or pet of your own at http://www.thedragonisle.com!

dilluns, 27 de juliol del 2009

Me mudo, me desvanezco.

Efectivamente. Desaparezco. He contratado los servicios de Houdini (allá donde esté) y ...


dijous, 23 de juliol del 2009

Run, run, run, la botella de run!

Move slowly
Beyond the colors on my eyes
Move slowly
Into the corners of my mind
Rising like the Pegasus
Each and every one of us
Islands in the sea of dreams
Always searching harmony
And peace

All we find
Reject our mind
Don't you wonder why

If the war by heavens gate released desire
In the line of fire someone must have known
That a human heart demands to be admired
Cause in the Center of the Universe
We are all alone

Show me sign of paradise
A place we all would like to go to
Tell me what to sacrifice
So there's a chance for me to want you

All I find
Reject my mind
And I wonder why

If the war by heavens gate released desire
In the line of fire someone must have known
That a human heart demands to be admired
Cause in the Center of the Universe
We are all alone

I have a tale to be told won't you listen tonight
Follow me into the core of the fountain of light
Try to imagine that hope is our ship for the soul
[Over the ocean the quest of your life lies ahead]
Maybe together we'll find there's a place for us all
[Follow the star in your mind, sail along sail along]

Alone again, naturally

Me escondo entre los apretados rayos del sol de una realidad ausente para muchos. Incluso yo muchas veces dudo que esta realidad exista. Sólo existe entre mis ideas y mis actos. Yo soy lo que soy. no trates de cambiarme, ya lo habrás podido deducir. Ara tot el que puc dir es allò que tothom sap i ningú no s'atreveix a pronunciar.

Acallem la nostra consicència amb la intenció de fer-nos cecs a les coses que no ens agraden.

Qui vulgui peixos, que es mulli el cul.


divendres, 10 de juliol del 2009

Yo, otra vez

Te ganarás mi afecto, absorveré lo que me puedas dar, cuando lo que me ofrezcas ya no me resulte interesante, nunca te olvidaré, pasarás a engrosar las listas de conocidos, quedando el término "amigo" marginado.

Porque nunca te daré lo que te pido, porque nunca valdrás lo suficiente para dármelo a mi primero. Y si, por un casual, me lo das primero, no te lo daré porque ya nada tendrás para mi.


dijous, 9 de juliol del 2009


Sóc un Cínic.

Puc defensar una opinió que no comparteixi pel plaer de portar la contraria i per deleitar-me amb una bona discusió...

dimecres, 8 de juliol del 2009


Sóc recorós. Sóc Venjatiu.

"Mai es Odi, sempre es Rencor"


dilluns, 6 de juliol del 2009


Soy un Dejado Exigente.

No hagáis lo que yo hago, haced lo que yo digo.
