.............Aúlla a la Luna, no te arrepentirás..............

The bard's song will remain

Myself, three personalities on my own

Two Clouds Considered to be so cool and calm. His role is the trickster, imparting lessons through his pranks, pranks that can be far from pleasant. Just as important is his ability to act as a voice of dissent or devil's advocate with far less fear of punishment. In a society as traditional and conservative, a free-thinking individual with the right to speak his or her mind is absolutely important, whether to encourage change or to reaffirm the current position through the challenges he provides. His duty is to provide a contrasting view, and also to help their friends find their quarry, or to elude their pursuers. He may also use humor to lighten the mood or break up arguments, often acting as an "omega" to turn hostilities toward themself.
Adopt a Dragon or pet of your own at http://www.thedragonisle.com!

dimarts, 25 de novembre del 2008

Einstein, dios o máquina

Sobre las ventajas e inconvenientes de tener un escritorio desordenado se han escrito auténticos tratados, algunos de los cuales sostienen que el caos puede ser más productivo que un orden demasiado estricto. Sin embargo, nada como la cita atribuida supuestamente al propio Einstein para poner las cosas en su sitio: “Si una mesa abarrotada es síntoma de una mente abarrotada, entonces ¿qué debemos pensar de un escritorio vacío?”

Extraido de aquí gracias a Jose por pasarme el enlace.

2 comentaris:

Emiliakus ha dit...

Es grandísima esa vits Draud.

Además de que me aporta una excusa más para seguir sin organizarla.

Miguel González Aranda ha dit...

Pero que agusto me he quedado.....porque mi escritorio siempre ha estado hecho una piltrafa...jeje..

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